Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Amazon Starts a Netflix Competitor

One of the great benefits of Roku is the amount of streaming content that is available, mainly from Netflix. Now Amazon has decided to enter the streaming content fray with their own unlimited streaming content service.

Today, I logged onto Amazon to find this greeting:

As soon as I got off work, I turned on the TV to check out this service on the Roku.

Scrolling through the movies on Amazon, I found that there were a few scattered movies that showed a free price tag from Amazon Prime users. (I'm a Prime member)

At this point, the upside is that I spotted a few titles that were not yet on Netflix. However, there doesn't seem to be any discernable way to easily find the free movies. The "prime" movies were scattered about without any order. Finding the "prime" movies is more luck than anything else at this point. I would imagine that Amazon would soon create a new section for the prime movies, so that those members can more easily find the free shows. I consider this the growing pains of a new service and believe that Amazon will soon organize the service.

In the meantime, this is just one more unlimited streaming content source for the Roku.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Riches Corner Likes

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You can also find me at my main blog at http://www.richescorner.com